When to nudge and when not to nudge, and which direction to do it. “Wait, you were able to circumvent 95% of the table, put up a near world-record, and you’re calling THAT a masterpiece?” Yep, and here’s why: there’s no Zaccaria electro-mechanical table where the art of the nudge matters more. 12,750,100 points later, I’m #2 on the all-time Leaderboard. In fact, while writing this very paragraph, I decided to test that theory by playing the 5-ball arcade mode on Switch and aiming specifically ONLY at the saucers, no matter what. Hell, that goes for the three drop targets as well. The advance-bonus shot on the right wall? You can put up mighty scores using it without ever once taking direct aim at it. In fact, it’s absolutely viable to alternate between shooting the two saucers and letting the crowding of the table and the inevitability of missed shots run its course.
Okay, so it’s not a deep experience, and there’s arguably no primary target OR even really a genuine driver for the table.

What makes Aerobatics the one for me is every shot is exciting. If it had been that way, Angela and Oscar would have gone MASTERPIECE in their rankings, Jordi would have bumped his rating up to GREAT, and Aerobatics would be in the conversation for the best EM conversion in all of digital pinball. Having to shoot the spinner to try and light the first step in the specials would have added some much-needed depth. Let’s say you have one of the other three lights on. Actually, I think the main weakness of Aerobatics is that the top light resets at the start of every ball. Plus, it starts every single ball with the left special highlighted already, so you have a chance off-the-serve to turn it on. But, I genuinely enjoyed shooting the top one more.

IF there is a driver for Aerobatics, the left saucer would probably get the credit.